Thanks for downloading our eBook!

We hope it gives you some great ideas that will ramp up enrollment and make a huge difference this year.

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Camps With Friends Will Change Summer Camp Listings Forever.

Camps With Friends aims to change the paradigm. We’re launching a mobile app that will make things easier for both parents and owners in camp communities all across the USA—especially in a time when internet-based resources have proven to be so critical!

  • FOR CAMPS: Our completely free partner program allows all camps from Atlantic to Pacific to sign up without any fees.
    We’ve already got over 1,000 camps onboard across 150+ categories. We’ll provide your camp with space for a detailed
    profile and description, links, pictures, and even a free contributor spot on our blog.
  • FOR FAMILIES: Parents can download the app to quickly and easily filter summer camp listings by all sorts of variables: age range,
    location, day vs. overnight, activities or interest areas, etc.  It will also allow families to connect with other families
    through the app. Find or invite friends to go to camp with you, discuss the timing of the trip, and arrange the details.
Complete Your Application Now!