How To Create A Single New Business Page

Business admins will learn how to create a single new business page from within the business admin portal accessible from your computer.

This is only accessible to business admins from within the business admin portal on a computer.


The purpose of performing this function of adding business pages would be eg. if you have one location for your business and you're now opening a second location.


Step 1: Navigate to your business OVERVIEW.

step 0.5

Step 2: Click on the ADD NEW BUSINESS in the bottom left of screen.

step 1 add new business

Step 3: Then click ADD SINGLE BUSINESS.

step 2

Step 4: See a panel slide out from the right hand side.

step 3 see the slide out

Step 5: Add your new business information to it.

step 4

Step 6: Scroll down to the bottom once all lines are filled in. Make sure a gender OR genders are added. Then click CREATE BUSINESS.

step 5

Step 7: Confirm your business has been added to the list.

step 6

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