How to add an admin to business profile

Objective: To add an additional admin to your business profile on Camps with Friends.

  1. Jason from Camps with Friends explains how to add an additional admin to a business profile.

  2. Step 1: The new admin needs to go to and click on "sign up" and then "parent sign up" in the top right corner.

  3. Step 2: After creating their free parent account, the new admin notifies the current admin.

  4. Step 3: The current admin clicks on "business profile" in the navigation menu on the left side.

  5. Step 4: In the admin section on the right side, the current admin clicks on the plus button.

  6. Step 5: The current admin searches for the new admin's name in the search bar and selects it.

  7. Step 6: The current admin clicks on "confirm and add admin" at the bottom.

  8. Step 7: The current admin informs the new admin that they have been added.

  9. Step 8: The new admin can now log in to the business profile by going to "login" and then "business login" on

  10. Conclusion: Adding an additional admin is a simple process. Jason invites any further questions.